You just got your license in Audiology/to dispense. Yes! It's finally happening! You are now qualified to touch ears and perform hearing tests...
Now what?
The saddest thing about all the money you spent on your licensure is that they don't even teach you how to market yourself. So many clinicians and audiologists struggle to keep their doors open because they don't know how to get more leads and land their leads.
Even the leads they are getting, so many of them are dramatically unqualified it's such a motivation killer because it's wastes so much of your time, money and resources.
I know because that's exactly where I was at both when I first started, and even 10 years into my practice.
Over the past 15+ years dispensing hearing aids, I had to learn how to market, qualify, and get more leads the hard way.
I have built a program that boosted my ability to manage, convert, and market to me leads all in ONE PLATFORM.
Not only that, but I've managed to create a process that virtually guarantees you schedule ONLY qualified leads. These 3 things helped me sell 32 units at around $4k-$6.2k in ONE. MONTH.
The best part? My processes can be and are directly compatible with my management system.
While I work on developing these processes to give to you, you can get started with our system RIGHT NOW!
You just got your license in Audiology/to dispense. Yes! It's finally happening! You are now qualified to touch ears and perform hearing tests...
Now what?
The saddest thing about all the money you spent on your licensure is that they don't even teach you how to market yourself. So many clinicians and audiologists struggle to keep their doors open because they don't know how to get more leads and land their leads.
Even the leads they are getting, so many of them are dramatically unqualified it's such a motivation killer because it's wastes so much of your time, money and resources.
I know because that's exactly where I was at both when I first started, and even 10 years into my practice.
Over the past 15+ years dispensing hearing aids, I had to learn how to market, qualify, and get more leads the hard way.
I have built a program that boosted my ability to manage, convert, and market to me leads all in ONE PLATFORM.
Not only that, but I've managed to create a process that virtually guarantees you schedule ONLY qualified leads. These 3 things helped me sell 32 units at around $4k-$6.2k in ONE. MONTH.
The best part? My processes can be and are directly compatible with my management system.
While I work on developing these processes to give to you, you can get started with our system RIGHT NOW!
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